Tell the Committee! Any changes to teacher licensure and how you are compensated needs your input.
North Carolina needs a teacher licensure program that respects teachers' expertise, offers support throughout the duration of their career, and recruits and retains educators of color so the demographics of teachers reflect our public school student population. We must maintain current licensure requirements that ensure teachers are experts, not just in the content they teach, but also in child development since effective teachers must understand how children learn.
Read NCAE's position statement
Why we're here:
North Carolina needs a teacher licensure program that respects teachers’ expertise, rewards their time in the profession, offers support throughout the duration of their career, and recruits and retains educators of color in a way that reflects the demographics of our public school student population.
The Subcommittee Co-Chairs of the Professional Educator & Preparation Standards Commission need to hear directly from you!
About the Commission
The purpose of the Commission as an advising body to the North Carolina State Board of Education is to do the following:
- involve stakeholders in establishing high standards for North Carolina educators.
- make rule recommendations for the SBE regarding all aspects of preparation, licensure, continuing education, and standards of conduct of public school educators.
- exercise its powers and duties independently of—while located administratively under—the state board of education.