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Submitting a Constitutional Amendment

This is a form used by members to submit a Constitutional Amendment.

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Submitting Constitutional Amendment

Submitting Constitutional Amendment

NCAE Constitution, Article XIV. Amendments


Section 1.  Each proposed amendment to this constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors on or before Noon of the first business day of the annual convention.  A receipt showing the amendment was received shall be made, and all proposed amendments shall be distributed to the delegates prior to the adjournment of the convention.  Amendments submitted prior to convention shall be mailed by certified mail, and must be received by NCAE before the first business day of the annual convention.


a.     An amendment may be submitted by vote of an NCAE local affiliate, by the NCAE Board of Directors, and/or by petition of fifty active or retired NCAE Members.

Local or State Proposal

Spell out the full name of your local affiliate.

Contact Person

Spell out the full name of your local affiliate.

Petition Process

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A leading voice for educational excellence

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) is our leading voice for educational excellence, for children and their families, and for the public schools they count on. As the public school employees union and the largest association of professional educators in North Carolina, our membership extends to all 100 counties and includes teachers, non-classified school staff, administrators, students, retirees, and community allies. NCAE believes that every child has a right to a high-quality education, an excellent teacher, and a well-funded school.