NBI Reports
2024 NBIs
NBI # 1
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests updates about progress on NBIs be sent to delegates after approval of convention minutes at the Board of Directors meeting immediately following convention. Additionally, we request all delegates receive quarterly updates through existing communication structures on the progress (action steps and delays) of NBIs that were passed. The NCAE RA further requests NBI makers, delegates who speak for an NBI, and supporters of an NBI are encouraged to assist in the implementation process of their NBI.
Submitted by: Christina Spears
Seconded by: Jenny Easter
Staff Contact: Justin Guillory
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
In June, the NCAE Board adopted a new policy establishing quarterly communications on NBIs to RA delegates of the year the NBI was passed and calendar year of the NBI, including a summative report in July (starting in 2025). This report will be housed on the NCAE member portal within NCAE.org. Delegates to the convention will be notified when a quarterly update has been completed.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
Updates to the NBIs for Q2 were completed and published to the NCAE member portal. An email notification was sent to all RA delegates.
NBI #2
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE take up a campaign in support of equitably funded school libraries across the state.
1. Create a member-led committee of school librarians representing each region of the state for the purpose of organizing and engaging NCAE members around school library issues and to carry out the work in sections 2-4 with support from NCAE governance and staff.
2. Conduct in-depth research to assess the current state of school libraries across North Carolina, identifying funding gaps, disparities, and areas of need. Research methods could include surveying members, phone banking, partnering with NCDPI, and/or partnering with the North Carolina School Library Media Association (NCSLMA).
3. Utilize research findings to advocate for policy changes at the state level, urging lawmakers to prioritize library funding in education budgets and allocate dedicated resources for school libraries by including library funding in NCAE’s legislative agenda.
4. Organize one member-engagement event in each region to mobilize grassroots support for library funding initiatives and empower local stakeholders to become advocates for school library budgets.
Submitted by: Chris Tuttell
Seconded by: Caroline Vaverek
Staff Contact: Nicole Price
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
Research and engagement on NBI #2 are scheduled for Q3 in conjunction with NCAE’s legislative advocacy during the 2025 Long Session of the General Assembly.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
NCAE members were surveyed to gather feedback on NCAE’s legislative priorities for the 2025 Long Session.
NBI # 3
The 2024 Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership:
1. Make a public statement via the NCAE web site, newsletter, and social media that calls on state legislators to repeal voucher expansion and hold public schools harmless for funding loss due to voucher expansion by the opening day of the NCGA spring session, 2024.
2. Recommend that local affiliates do the same.
3. Coordinate with local affiliates and school districts to assess the possible impact of voucher and charter funding on local public schools.
4. Provide a toolkit or focused training to equip local member leaders to educate the public on the impact of voucher expansion within their community.
5. Create a plan to be presented to membership for NCAE’s robust political response to extremists and privatizers in the context of the 2024 election, specifically the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The plan should engage every possible member and lead the fight for the state superintendent seat in the strongest possible terms.
Submitted by: Joanna Pendleton
Seconded by: Edwena Miles
Staff Contact: Nicole Price
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
NCAE has made several advancements on NBI #3. On May 1, NCAE released a public statement on the proposed voucher bill. Later in May, NCAE published a position statement on vouchers. NCAE also released statements on the inclusion of vouchers in HB10 and Governor Cooper’s veto of that bill.
NCAE featured the voucher bill on an all-member call on May 22, providing members with a toolkit to fight back against all attacks on public schools through our We © Public Schools campaign.
NCAE launched a digital ad campaign to fight against HB10, pushing members to email their legislators (generating 198 letters), and paid for patch-thru calls to targeted House members.
NCAE again featured vouchers on a September 9 Facebook Live and a September 17 all-member call.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
NCAE planned a walk-in campaign for October to highlight the vouchers in HB10. That walk-in plan shifted to emphasize solidarity with Western North Carolina and Hurricane Relief efforts, but the messaging and toolkit for the campaign included anti-voucher language.
NCAE continued to publicly oppose HB10 through the veto override votes.
NBI # 6
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests that a professional development opportunity be established to help new and preservice educators pass the edTPA and receive their license.
Submitted by: Amy Harrison
Seconded by: Elizabeth Hackney
Staff Contact: Douglas Curry
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
We have begun to survey edTPA programs/supports at 4-year universities and collect resources for training sessions. The professional learning staff and committee members will create an edTPA training in conjunction with an emerging Praxis training. The professional learning staff has been diligently working to restart the department over the first quarter.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
The process to identify a cadre of high-quality edTPA trainers/facilitators is underway. Once the cadre is assembled, a first meeting will be held to start the resource creation process.
NBI # 8
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE commit to assessing and building capacity for language justice in the 2024-2025 year through the following actions:
1. Designate a language justice team for statewide work for the year (the team could include members of the Durham Association of Educators Language Justice Team who authored this NBI and are piloting the work this year in Durham.) Assign an NCAE staff member to support the team. Send an email to the membership in July to identify rank-and-file member-leaders interested in the work. Direct local leadership to identify elected and rank-and-file member leaders for the team. The team will anchor the training and capacity building work in steps 2-5 outlined below, assess language justice capacity of the statewide organization, and develop a report of current capacity, potential for growth, and recommendations for growing capacity to be presented by the end of the year and turned into work for next year; and
2. Organize and host language Justice Institute training for NCAE leadership, local leadership, staff, rank-and-file members; and
3. Create training materials that will be available to all members as an orientation to language justice (in the local and state level); and 4. Partner with tilde LJC and its partner, the tilde Education Fund, to Organize and host an Interpreting for Social Justice workshop. Recruit rank-and-file members, multilingual staff organizers, and community volunteers to participate; and
4. Organize and host an Interpreting for Social Justice workshop. Recruit rank-and-file members, multilingual staff organizers, and community volunteers to participate; and
5. Create a cohort including the language justice team, NCAE leadership & select leaders from the preceding workshops that will work with language, justice consultants to develop a written language justice vision statement & strategy and implement this plan with support from tilde.
Submitted by: Allison Swaim
Seconded by: Christina Spears
Staff Contact: Douglas Curry
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
An application for a 20-member cohort went out with a deadline of August 15th. Participants have been selected and members will be notified of their acceptance into the cohort.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
The first meeting of the language justice cohort has been scheduled for January.
NBI # 9
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests that the Board Of Directors to support the NC Small Rural Schools Consortium (NCSRSC) Legislative Initiative to request a 21% increase for small school funding to assist with the funding cliff by: 1) allotting lobbying efforts at the General Assembly to address this request, 2) Providing logistical and financial aid to the 30 local NCAE affiliates in these school districts for distributing the proposal to their respective county Board of Commissioners and Senate and House representatives and, 3) using state and local NCAE publications to inform membership about this issue and how they can help with the cause.
Submitted by: Julio Morales
Seconded by: Saletta Urena
Staff Contact: Nicole Price
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
Initial school financing research has been conducted for all Districts.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
NCAE members were surveyed to gather feedback on NCAE’s legislative priorities for the 2025 Long Session. Staff and members prepare for the NCGA long session, including advancing support for the Rural Schools Initiative.
NBI # 10
The 2024 NCAE Representative Assembly requests the NCAE staff and the Board of Directors:
Provide members with the total amount in the PAC fund quarterly with an itemized list of expenditures.
Give yearly member-centered training -- before requests for donations from members are made -- about what PAC is, how it can be used strategically in the local and state, funding tactics for recruiting sustainers, and training about how to effectively apply for PAC monies.
Update the PAC guidance document with a list of examples of highly effective strategies PAC money can be used for and what expected outcomes those strategies could produce.
Will set aside annually one third of all the PAC for only locals to use; With the exception of the monies set aside for the locals and divisions exempt from current PAC guidelines of money distribution. It can go back to the general PAC fund at the end of the fiscal year.
Will assist the NCAE President in recruiting members to be appointed to the Government Relations Committee (GRC). Since the GRC is the approving body of PAC requests, the greater NCAE membership body will be provided with information on what the role and expectations of the GRC members are and how to make nominations to the body via the NCAE website, email, and through phone/in-person outreach.
Submitted by: Shanna Peele
Seconded by: Christina Spears
Staff Contact: Nicole Price
Q1 (July 1-Sep 30) Progress Report:
Modified PAC guidelines developed based on and consistent with NBI #10. PAC guidance includes recommended uses for PAC dollars.
NCAE President distributed to all members via email (August 22) the opportunity for members to express interest in being appointed to GRC. This communication included the role and expectations of GRC members.
Q2 (Oct 1-Dec 31) Progress Report:
Prepared for further refinement of PAC guidelines and policies, best use of PAC dollars, and the execution of member training for PAC recruitment and how a local can request PAC monies for Q3.
PAC’s disclosure report, including all expenditures, is available on the NC State Board of Elections website at https://cf.ncsbe.gov/CFOrgLkup/DocumentGeneralResult/?SID=STA-C3372N-C-001&OGID=3670
2023 NBIs
Summary of NBI: “...finalize the four year (2023-2027) strategic plan and vote to adopt it by July 1, 2023…”
The Board of Directors adopted the strategic plan and moved implementation. The Progress report presented at RA 2024 includes:
- Grow Our Union - All goals are on pace to meet the strategic plan goals
- Lead Our Professions - Foundational work has been conducted to rebuild NCAE professional development opportunities and programs
- Restore the Promise…- Legislative agenda moved at NCGA and foundational electoral testing work conducted on member electorate engagement.
Summary: “Provide ongoing support for locals to engage local elected officials that helps win policies, practices, and resources that benefit our students and co-workers by:
1. Creating a mechanism that allows members to evaluate and quantify the balance of power between our
locals and local decision makers including, but not limited to, Superintendents, Boards of Education, and
Boards of County Commissioners;
2. Providing templates, tools, and training for local leaders for communication with decision-makers in their locals based on the evaluation of power relationships; and
3. Create network of communication and support between locals on how to navigate relationships with local electeds.
- Locals attending Summer Leaders provided opportunities to conduct assessment of local conditions, including power analysis.
- Locals attending Winter Leaders provided initial communication strategies and tools, including analysis of local conditions, developing campaign objectives based on local conditions and strategies (grounded in internal assessments of local and relationships with local-electeds) and templates for meeting agendas with local elected decision-makers.
- Local Strength cohort, Building Leader training and statewide Skills to Win training/breakout groups provide opportunities for cross-local collaboration, including opportunity to support on navigating relationships with local elected.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership provide support for members transitioning into roles within their locals by providing transitional support materials for each elected office that can be used in any local and by providing a layered network of support for new leaders to support their success in leadership roles.
Partial implementation includes coaching new local leaders, Local Strength cohorts (See NBI B progress) and materials for local Treasurers. In near future, Summer Leaders 2024 expanded to include a Local President track of development opportunities and development of transitional materials for Summer Leaders.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE will, through the work of our GR Department and external partners, create systems of support that assist in identifying members who are eligible to run for office on the local and state level and connect endorsed member candidates to resources for campaign support.
- Support for NCAE members to participate in NEA’s See Educators Run
- Was partnering with Lead NC for this work. However, with significant turnover the partnership was not viable and need to identify a new partner.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership provide organizing training and support for local leaders and member leaders by pairing identified local leaders with experienced coaches who will receive training and support in their coaching responsibilities.
SMO included member coaches for the first time in 2023. Continue to build capacity to scale and maximize the number of experienced coaches and deepen expertise of best coaching practices.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership support family and community engagement by:
1. Partnering with community organizations aligned with our goals of promoting positive and responsible involvement of families and the community-at-large in the public schools, advancing a public education system that serves the people, and building community and labor partnerships to promote racial, economic, and social justice;
2. Identifying, publishing, and maintaining an updated directory of aligned organizations;
3. Helping to identify and appoint members as liaisons to identified organizations; and
4. Provide support for locals maintaining partnerships with community and aligned organizations.
NCAE joined the Southeast Regional coalition for Community Schools, been in conversation with Public Schools Strong, Honest Education Action and Leadership, Educational Justice Alliance and CREED on aligned values and interests and strategic alignment of campaign and activities, and provided strategic and community engagement support to locals. A directory has not been published.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE will actively support intellectual freedom and educators who promote it by:
1. Actively advocating for all NCAE members and students to have access to a certified school library media coordinator in every school building in every district throughout the state who defends intellectual freedom;
2. Issuing a statement condemning censorship and book banning in our schools and libraries with an acknowledgement that much of current censorship has been targeting books, curriculum, and conversations that are diverse and inclusive;
3. Providing legal support and/or guidance for members who are defending intellectual freedom and highlighting ways to protect educators, including school media coordinators, who speak out around diversity, equity, and inclusivity; and
4. Developing support materials for members’ use in their schools and communities around intellectual freedom, including education on students’ and parents’ rights, legal precedent, talking points, and policy recommendations for handling challenges.
NCAE advocated for a school media library coordinator in all schools. NCAE Advocacy Center created background documents regarding legal rights and strategic guidance for members. Materials need to be translated/converted for local member use. All members invited to statewide webinar on intellectual freedom conducted by the Advocacy Center. NCAE issued statements condemning book bans.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that the New Business Item (NBI) term "year" be definitely defined as from July 1 to June 30 unless the NBI is in need of immediate action upon approval by the Representative Assembly. It is requested that this defining of "year" for NBIs and their allowance be written in the policies of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE).
NCAE Policy Committee working on adoption into NCAE Board policy with expection of adoption at June 2024 Board meeting.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that the NCAE Convention registration form be amended to provide Retired Division as a selection with the identifying local Retired School Personnel unit.
Not conducted. The contracted registration tool does not permit adaptation to the fact the NCAE and NCRSP regions do not perfectly align. Research into a new registration tool for next RA is needed to meet the request of NBI 3.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that the NCAE Government Relations Department closely monitor and lobby against Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina's bills (HB346 and SB296) that are moving quickly and quietly through the NC Legislature, whereby these bills would threaten coverage and affordability for 4.3 million North Carolinians.
Sent letter to NC GA and included in lobbying talking points. Unfortunately, the bill still passed.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests the NCAE leadership contact our U.S. Senators and urge them to support the reauthorization and expansion of the farm bill.
NCAE sent a letter of support and the NEA GR Team lobbied on this to US Senators.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests the NCAE Government Relations Department be vigilant, monitor, and develop talking points in preparation to head off any movement to reduce or eliminate funding and/or amount of time schools receive services from nurses, counselors, and social workers, and psychologists. The NCAE Government Relations Department should monitor the NC Legislature and NCDPI Leadership to halt any legislation in regard to the reduction or elimination of nurses, counselors, social workers, and psychologists.
Continued the work of this NBI as its been in the legislative agenda and it continues to be part of the NCAE legislative agenda.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership:
1. Call on the state controller to comply with the court order and immediately release the available funds for the benefit and relief of North Carolina’s post-pandemic children, and the caregivers and educators who serve them;
2. Call on all NCAE membership to increase pressure on their state and local representatives to comply with the terms and spirit the funding required of the Leandro Decision;
3. Designate a member of the Government Relations Commission to monitor and communicate progress toward the full funding of a sound and basic education for every public-school student in North Carolina
Continues to be in legislative activity, public speaking events, community coalition work (Leandro coalition), and NCAE expanded research on the positive impacts to the state and identified local economies when public schools are fully funded. Members called to action regarding fully funding public schools to state and local representatives but did not message to Leandro Decision as it is a message that does not poll well and polarizes needed republican representative votes to increase funding.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE leadership advocate for more developmentally appropriate testing for students with severe cognitive impairments who follow an adaptive curriculum.
Item requires further action including adoption into the legislative agenda.
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that NCAE Board of Directors will take the following actions: 1. Form a committee to analyze its own contributions to climate change and propose action for our union to reduce and/or offset its own contributions to greenhouse gas emissions and habitat loss; 2. Form a committee (possibly the same as above) to create and/or promote pre K—12 curriculum resources to teach students about the causes, effects, and justice/advocacy issues of climate change, possibly through collaboration with other aligned organizations; and
3. Direct the legislative committee to advocate that elected officials in North Carolina take action to mitigate the causes and effects of climate change.
No action. Indicate your interest to join the NCAE Climate Impact Workgroup: https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-Climate-Impact.
NBI 10
The NCAE Representative Assembly requests that the Star-Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance not be sung or recited at any NCAE function. Additionally, replace the Invocation with a Moment of Silence to allow all delegates to observe in their respective ways.
President of NCAE (Chair of RA) discussed with NCAE Board of Directors action steps, including modified adoption of the NBI.