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Wake Educators Tell County Commission “Our Kids Can’t Wait!”

Wake NCAE members rallied in Raleigh on May 15 to push the County Commission to fully fund a budget that includes raises for classified and certified staff.
Wake NCAE May 15 Rally 2
Published: May 24, 2023

More than 60 NCAE members showed up ahead of the County Commission meeting. Dozens of educators and allies spoke directly to the Commission about the need to completely fund a budget that will keep educators in classrooms, cafeteria workers in kitchens, and transportation staff on buses.

The proposed budget by the Wake County Board of Education contains raises for all staff. Wake County has one of the highest costs of living in North Carolina, and wages have not kept pace. As the state General Assembly has demonstrated it will not do its job and properly fund education, pressure is building on county governments to increase compensation to help alleviate the crisis in our schools. The Wake County Commission's proposed budget is nearly $16 million dollars short of what the school board has asked for and NCAE members spoke about the need to close that gap.

Before the meeting, Wake NCAE rallied nearby, leading chants of "Our Kids Can't Wait!" and "Union Power!" Teachers testified to the Commission that without enough cafeteria workers to feed students, lines get long and learning gets delayed. EC safety assistants spoke about how without their presence in transportation, EC students would not be able to get to school safely and on time. A secretarial staff member asked the Commission to "walk a mile in my shoes," discussing the low pay for classified employees. Wake NCAE President Christina Spears delivered a petition with more than 1,000 signatures supporting a properly funded budget.

Spirits remain high that through organization and strength, Wake NCAE members are building a movement that puts meaningful pressure on county officials to honor their promises of being pro-public education by adequately funding our schools. 


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A leading voice for educational excellence

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) is our leading voice for educational excellence, for children and their families, and for the public schools they count on. As the public school employees union and the largest association of professional educators in North Carolina, our membership extends to all 100 counties and includes teachers, non-classified school staff, administrators, students, retirees, and community allies. NCAE believes that every child has a right to a high-quality education, an excellent teacher, and a well-funded school.