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Press Release

NCAE Launches Ad Campaign Opposing Senate Bill 382

SB 382 politicizes Hurricane Helene Recovery efforts to strip power away from elected democratic officials, while also pushing stricter voting laws.
Published: December 9, 2024

Raleigh, NC – The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) announced today the launch of a digital and broadcast TV media buy in select markets statewide opposing Senate Bill 382. NCAE is urging state lawmakers to reject this legislation, calling it a power grab that disregards the will of the people and neglects the needs of Western North Carolina residents.  

As the ad says: “A handful of Raleigh politicians are turning their backs on Western North Carolina. They are shamelessly using hurricane and flood relief to ignore us and grab more power for themselves.” 

Watch the ad by clicking here.

“At a time when families and small businesses in Western North Carolina are still recovering from the devastating damage of Hurricane Helene, lawmakers are pushing a bill that offers them no relief,” said NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly. “Instead, this bill uses hurricane victims as political cover, while undermining the incoming administration that North Carolinians elected in November.  We strongly encourage House lawmakers to vote to sustain Governor Cooper’s veto.” 

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A leading voice for educational excellence

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) is our leading voice for educational excellence, for children and their families, and for the public schools they count on. As the public school employees union and the largest association of professional educators in North Carolina, our membership extends to all 100 counties and includes teachers, non-classified school staff, administrators, students, retirees, and community allies. NCAE believes that every child has a right to a high-quality education, an excellent teacher, and a well-funded school.